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A love of animals.

pet sitter

Ever since I can remember, I have loved animals. I have felt a great bond with them and never doubted that they would be a major part of my life. I grew up around lots of tropical fish, turtles, dogs, cats, gerbils, and horses. My best friend in elementary school lived on a farm and I was never happier than when we spent days in the summer riding the horses and playing with the dogs around the farm.

Today, I share a very special connection with cats. I have never met a cat I didn't like and that goes back to my grandmother's barn cats. They are amazing creatures. And what home is complete without a dog? They are loving and loyal friends for life. And I will tell you that you can have great bonds with your fish too - especially koi, who are very social wet friends.

How our company started...

After deciding to leave the security industry in 2004, I did some soul searching for a job that I could love everyday. Because of my love of animals, I thought about pet sitting. After all, I had done pet sits for several friends for years and enjoyed it immensely. So I started doing a lot of research into the pet sitting business and just what it entails. The result is I discovered that pet sitting is an exciting and growing industry that I am proud to be a part of now.

My 'furry children'

pet sitter
At this moment, I am the 'Mom' to four cats, 4 chickens, 6 Koi, and a Mountain horse. I would love to have more animals, but my husband doesn't agree. So this job is perfect for me! I can be a temporary 'Mom' to a larger extended family of pets. It just cannot be any better than that.

Meet Trooper
pet sitter

pet sitter - West Friendship
Joy and Copper

pet sitter pet sitter

Reigning Cats and Dogs Pet Sitting, Inc.
West Friendship, MD 21794
410-442-SITS (7487)

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